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Why is Microblading & Permanent Makeup So Important? Read More To Know!


Microblading is a technique for applying pigment in the eyebrows. It is a type of permanent makeup which needs a touch up after 4-6 weeks. This time period is given for the clients to heal completely. This pigment is reapplied again in some areas which may require touchup. 

The price range varies depending upon the thickness of the brows and also the location. The process lasts 1-3years after which it requires refilling. It is recommended to refill the brows within 12months. Makeup should be avoided in the area for atleast two weeks. 

Microblading is also done because in some areas of the brows the pigment must be adjusted so that the end result looks clean. The average price range for microblading is anywhere around $400. Such skin treatments are really beneficial for people with thin brows and helps them boost their self-confidence. People who are way too obsessed with their brows may surely go for this process.

Some Pros and Cons of microblading


  • Saves the repeated costs of threading.

  • The desired length and thickness can be maintained throughout.

  • This process is done depending upon the shape of the face of clients which adds in to a more precise look.


  • This process is actually cutting into the skin which can be really dangerous.

  • If properly sterilized blades and products are not used it can result in severe infections.

  • If a properly trained person doesn’t indulge into the process then the end result will not be as per standards.

Microblading eyebrows is a highly sought after process these days. However, aftercare is very important when such processes are undergone by clients. These processes are life threatening if not done by trained and skilled professionals. Pigmented eyebrows fades completely after 2 years after which it again requires the same cost and aftercare like the first time. This process looks completely natural if done properly. It is like getting a brow tattoo! 

Hope this article was helpful to all the wonderful ladies reading out there! Have a nice day! 

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